Ercall Wood Academy

Empower | Respect | Aspire

Be Safe Online


The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) works across the UK tackling child sex abuse and providing advice for parents, young people and children about internet safety and online safety.

Follow this link to report abuse through the CEOP website:

Remember the WWW is the WORLD wide web, anyone can see what you post so THINK first before you give any personal information out online. Here’s a video to show just how easy it is for your details to fall into the wrong hands.


The Digizen website provides information for educators, parents, carers, and young people. It is used to strengthen their awareness and understanding of what digital citizenship is and encourages users of technology to be and become responsible DIGItal citiZENS. It shares specific advice and resources on issues such as social networking and cyberbullying and how these relate to and affect their own and other people’s online experiences and behaviours.

Click Here to Enter Website

  • 1) Don’t post any personal information online – like your address, email address or mobile number
  • 2) Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself. Once you’ve put a picture of yourself online most people can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore
  • 3) Keep your privacy settings as high as possible
  • 4) Never give out your passwords
  • 5) Don’t befriend people you don’t know
  • 6) Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online. Speak to your parent or carer about people suggesting you do
  • 7) Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are
  • 8) Think carefully about what you say before you post something online
  • 9) Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views doesn’t mean you need to be rude
  • 10) If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately


Useful websites giving advice and tips on Online safety

Online Safety Risk Assessment 2024-2025







RAG Rating

Risk Owner





Mitigating Actions











Exposure to inappropriate content online

•         Commercial – adverts, spam, sponsorship, personal info

•         Extremist - violent / hateful content

•         Sexual - pornographic or unwelcome sexual content

•         Values – bias, racist, misleading info or advice, grooming






IT Technician

E Little


Subject staff

1.      Acceptable user agreement

2.      Appropriate filtering and monitoring via Senso

3.      Reporting mechanism reviewed regularly

4.      Parent/carer engagement/awareness

5.      Drip fed reminders in form time/assemblies

6.      Online safety displays changed throughout the year











Inappropriate online behaviours

•         Commercial – Illegal downloading, hacking, gambling, financial scams, terrorism

•         Aggressive - being bullied, or harassing others

•         Sexual – peer harassment, upskirting, creating and uploading inappropriate material

•         Values – providing misleading info or advice






IT Technician

E Little


Form tutors

1.      Reporting mechanism, reviewed regularly

2.      Appropriate filtering and monitoring via Senso

3.      PCSO involvement

4.      Parent/carer engagement

5.      Reminders via assembly/Lifeskills

6.      EE Phone smart licence for KS3

7.      Online safety displays changed throughout the year











Inappropriate online communications

•         Aggressive - being bullied, harassed or stalked

•         Sexual – harassment, meeting strangers, being groomed

•         Values – self harm, unwelcome persuasions






IT Technician

E Little


Form tutors


1.      Acceptable user agreement

2.      Reporting mechanism, reviewed regularly

3.      Infrastructure security

4.      PSHE programme/Lifeskills

5.      Parent/carer engagement

6.      Online safety displays changed throughout the year






Harmful contract risks/associations

•         contractual arrangements that may be unfair or exploitative, or which pose security or safety or privacy risks

•         memberships/accounts that are not age related/appropriate






E Little

R Hickman

M Castro


Form tutors

1.      Appropriate filtering and monitoring via Senso

2.      Technology and infrastructure QA with technicians

3.      Parent/carer engagement

4.      Reminders via assemblies/Lifeskills




Data Protection and Cyber Security

•         Data Protection – data loss or compromised

•         Inappropriate data shared/breech

•         Security Intrusion – information or access is compromised e.g. hack or virus/malware






IT Technician

E Little


1.      Data protection policy/guidance

2.      Password protection reminders to staff and students

3.      Named DPO

4.      Firewall security system

5.      Protective systems in place e.g anti-virus

6.      Incident management/procedures





•         Staff capability to recognise, respond and resolve issues

•         Staff capability to accurately record online safety concerns





IT Technician

E Little

Teaching staff

Support staff

1.      Staff CPD reminders

2.      Assembly reminders

3.      Parent/carer awareness via newsletters

4.      Clear lines of escalation if needed

5.      DSL and VP supervision (QA process)

6.      Online safety displays changed throughout the year

7.      Signposting available