SEND Information |
Whole School Response Quality First Teaching | Targeted support for individuals or small groups – short / medium term | Specialised individual support Medium / longer term | ||||
Teaching Approaches | All students receive Quality First Teaching. The school regularly monitors your child’s progress in meeting their targets. If they are not making enough progress they will be highlighted for attention/intervention from departmental staff. | Assessment for learning is used to plan for different levels of attainment. In some instances small groups may be supported by either the class teacher, Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) or Teaching Assistants (TAs). | Work is differentiated to meet the individual needs of children. There is careful targeting of individual support for pupils identified with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). Pupil provision maps are completed and provided for all staff to access. | |||
Learning and Curriculum Approaches | Students will have full access to the National Curriculum. The National Curriculum will be differentiated to take account of each child’s particular needs, through differentiation to suit each child’s academic need. | The school identifies students with SEND in a number of ways. Students are assessed regularly and parents informed of any concerns with regards to their progress. | The school always responds to concerns raised by parents. The SENCO may carry out additional testing when needs are identified. Outside agencies may also be involved. Pupil Provision Maps are written and reviewed regularly as appropriate. | |||
Support | Students with SEND or additional needs have a Pupil Provision Map which is available to all teaching staff. All staff are made aware of the strengths and needs of the students and advised on specific teaching strategies for Quality First Teaching. Ercall Wood is an inclusive school, where all teachers are teachers of children with SEND. | The Learning Support Department can offer access to small group work to develop literacy and numeracy skills, offering opportunity to develop and consolidate foundation skills. The department provides selected students with access to a lunch club. | Students with SEND may also be supported by external agencies. The primary contact for these agencies is the SENCO, although teachers and support staff are also involved. It is the responsibility of the SENCO to organise external support for SEND and maintain records. | |||
Environment and Physical Resources | All students are welcome at Ercall wood regardless of their abilities. Reasonable adjustments are made to include all members of the school community | Ercall Wood prepares students for changes and provides support to manage unpredictable events and at times of transition between primary, secondary and post 16 education. | The SENCO co-ordinates the liaison and multi-agency working to support children with SEND. | |||
Emotional | Ercall Wood works hard with families to meet the needs of all pupils with their social, emotional and behavioural development. All students have access to a committed pastoral team to support their needs. | For some students extra support may be needed. This may be in the form of a learning mentor to offer short term focused intervention to address barriers to learning. | For students who may require extra, long term support they may be provided with a Key Worker with whom they will meet regularly, including liaison with parents/carers to support the students. |
How does the school know if students need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs? |
How will school staff support my child? | All students access Quality First Teaching. For your child this would mean:
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs? |
How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning? |
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being? | The school have the following staff who are available to support your child’s overall well-being:
If there is an identified need for extra support the school can refer to the following for extra support:
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school? | Where necessary the school can refer to the following services for advice and support:
What training are the staff supporting children with SEND had or are having? | The SENCO is a qualified teacher, who holds the masters level National Accredited SENCO award.
How will my child be included in activities outside of the classroom including school trips? | Every effort is made to include all students in school trips.
How accessible is the school environment? | The school is fully DDA compliant. There is a lift to all floors and disabled toilets on each floor. Disabled parking spaces are available to the front of the school. If you require further information about accessibility please contact the school directly. | |
How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school and transfer to post 16 education? | We acknowledge that transition can be a difficult for a child with SEND, to support this we offer:
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs? |
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive? |
How are parents involved with the school? How can I be involved? | As a parent you are encouraged to support your child in school. Friends of Ercall Wood (FEW) meet regularly to support the school by arranging fund raising events, providing refreshments at school social events and much more. If you are interested in supporting the school please contact us for more information. | |
Who can I contact for further information? | Your first point of contact, in most instances, will be your child’s tutor. Other roles within the school that may be relevant are: Headteacher – responsible for:
Deputy Head – responsible for:
Head of Year – each year group has a designated member of staff, to monitor and support your child whilst at Ercall Wood. SENCO and Asst to the SENCO –
For more information e-mail – [email protected] |
If you require further information please follow the following link to Local Authority SEND Local Offer: