Child Employment Guidelines |
Child Employment Guidelines |
Child Employment and what you need to know should your child wish to take on part-time work while still at school. The Law is there to prevent accidents and exploitation and to ensure that children are safe and able to benefit fully from their education.
The law states that all children, from the date of their 13th birthday, are permitted to engage in ‘light work’ such as newspaper delivery or work in a shop, office or café.
However, there are restrictions on the amount of hours they are permitted to work and the types of work they are permitted to do. This applies even if the child is working for a parent/relative and whether the work is paid or voluntary. The amount of permitted hours remains the same until the child reaches their 15th birthday, though the types of work remain the same until the child leaves school (Compulsory Education – last Friday of June in Year 11).
Once your child has found work, the employer must apply for a work permit (EC1) from the Child Employment Officer at T&W Council. The form states the type of work and the number of hours that the child will be working. This form must be countersigned by a parent, carer or guardian before being returned to the Council.
Permits are free of charge and are never refused, providing the types of work and hours are safe and legal and will not interfere with the child’s education.
Please note:
• The permit only applies to a particular job. If your child changes employer or type of work, they must apply for a new permit.
• A permit can be revoked by the Child Employment Officer if it is believed that the type of work differs from what was on the original application form, or if the work is believed to be interfering with the child’s school work or regular, punctual school attendance. Each school’s Education Welfare Officer works in conjunction with the Child Employment Officer.
• If a child is working without a permit, they are working illegally. This means that should an accident happen it is extremely unlikely that the child will be covered by insurance. The employer could also be prosecuted in court for illegally employing the child. More information can also be found by visiting the Telford & Wrekin website under ‘Child Employment’, or by emailing the Child Employment Officer, Mrs Kaye Strangwood on [email protected] or telephoning her on (01952) 385223. We have leaflets in school containing further information, including
permitted hours and types of work allowed. Should you or your child require a copy, please ask at Reception.